autumn is coming - or even worse - we didn't have a real summer here in belgium :-(
(lucky i spent some time in sunny portugal )
but the fun thing about autumn is that i definetely need new clothes and even more important, new boots !
on the wish list:
1 pair of brown ankle booties without a heel
1 pair of brown high boots (maybe i need to go for a pair of over the knees ) - with a moderated heel
1 pair of black boots with high heels
1 pair of doctor martins
so next few days i will spent some time on ebay :-)
i'll keep you posted :-)
and speaking of the doctor martins ... maybe i'll go for this one :
OMG i almost forgot about the hunter boots - i definetely need one of those for this autumn & winter
probably the pink ones :-) (autumn & winter are already dark enough :-)
or those ones - a little bit more classical :
wish me luck on ebay !
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